Tis the season of cravings!

Almost everyone has cravings. Cravings are intense desires for specific foods, and with our season changes come appetite changes. When it gets cooler, we’re craving comfort! That’s normal, but now more than ever it’s time you become aware of it, prepare for it, and plan for it! I will be giving you 9 craving crushers you can use to start incorporating into your process and continue progressing in your health and fitness journey.

Craving Creator 1- Not eating enough: One sure way to set yourself up for cravings is not eating enough (I see this more with clients than anything else that is killing their results). This will set you up for a vicious cycle of cravings and overeating. How to crush this craving creator- Eat more on a schedule- If trying to lose weight, remember lasting results come from consistency not crash diets.- Anticipate when you’ll be hungry, and have healthy foods on hand before it gets out of control.

Craving Creator 2- Not having a plan: There’s a sneaky reason it’s a good idea to come up with a meal plan for the next few days or check in your meals with your trainer. This will help you have food on-hand when you’re hungry. Yes, you might choose healthier foods by planning ahead. And yes, you’ll probably save money by avoiding last-minute binges. How to crush this craving creator- make a plan for your meals and snacks ahead of time and prep as much as you can. - As much as possible, stick with your plan.

Craving Creator 3- Being thirsty: Staying well hydrated can help ward off cravings. When your body is thirsty, you can interpret that feeling as hunger, which can spark a craving. How to crush this craving creator- Track your water intake. ( I have my clients shoot for a gallon daily) If you feel a craving coming on, drink some water and wait a few minutes to see if the craving goes away.

Craving Creator 4- Being tired: I know it’s hard, I’m working on it myself. Getting that 7-9 hours of sleep. ( I shoot for 6-8) Yes, this is another piece of advice you probably hear a lot, but that’s for good reason. That’s because your appetite is affected by hormones. Leptin and ghrelin that go up and down over the course of each 24-hour period. How to crush this craving creator- try to track your sleep- schedule your bedtime- No tv in bedroom

Craving Creator 5- Out of balance diet: Drink a lot of soda or other sugary beverages? Focus on calories vs. quality of calories? Eat a lot of processed foods? How to crush this craving creator- Avoid drinking soda, sugary juices or artificially flavored drinks- You want your carbs to be as close to it’s natural state as possible- adequate protein intake.

Craving Creator 6- Skimping Protein: Studies show that eating protein can reduce your appetite stopping you from overeating and helping reduce cravings. How to crush this craving creator- spread your protein intake out over the course of the day- mix up protein sources- start early with protein intake.

Craving Creator 7- getting stressed: Stress doesn’t just put you in an overwhelmed mood, it affects your hormones in a way that appears to be linked with cravings, especially for sweet foods! To add insult to injury, stress causes your body to release excess cortisol, which can lead to weight gain, especially in the belly region! How to crush this craving creator- Don’t wait to deal with stress, hit it head on- Make stress management a part of your daily routine

Craving Creator 8- Your environment and your emotions- For example. You might associate sitting down on the couch at night with specific foods. Afternoons with a sweet pick me up, or mornings with brunch foods. These triggers seem automatic, so you don’t even think about them. How to crush this craving creator- take note of your cravings and the circumstances surrounding them. Watch for patterns- Avoid keeping trigger foods in your home.

Craving Creator 9- Underfueling your tough workouts- You might notice that certain kinds of exercise or if you do resistance training workouts, working certain body groups, like your legs, make you hungrier than others. How to crush this craving- Don’t ignore the hunger, usually after strenuous workouts your muscles will let you know they need fed and replenished- if can’t keep up with the intake, scale back a bit from the workouts to decrease your chances of injury.
