Sleep and your gut

💤 So … how’d you sleep last night? ✨(+My nighttime routine is below!!) 👉Did you know that your gut health affects your sleep … and vice versa? (I wrote an email about it for my newsletter subscribers! If you haven’t subscribed yet, go to and join my circle of influence-It’s packed with lots of great info and tips) 💤Anyway … Not getting enough quality sleep is linked with fewer HEALTHY gut bacteria, high stress, and horrible appetite which leads to bad eating habits. This matters because your gut is involved in making melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle! (Notice how much your sleep has been off lately🤔) ⏰Having a nighttime routine can help you wind down and signal your body that it’s time to sleep, which can help you rack up those 7-8 hours of shut-eye. 💡My go-to nighttime routine is➡️ I stop eating within 45 mins to an hour before bed➡️write tomorrow’s to-do list➡️ read➡️get everything ready for the morning➡️ pray/meditate ✅When I’m on my routine, I find I fall asleep so much faster and easier! 💤Do you have a nighttime routine?
