Your checklist to get back on track!

How are YOU doing on your goals? If you’re struggling or they are a distant memory, I have 6 solid tips for you In this post.


And … if you’re on-track, these tips will help snowball your efforts.


Tip 1. Go on a positivity diet! Read inspirational books … watch motivational videos … and interact with people who motivate you forward toward your goals – which can include curating your social media feed with people who make you feel more POSITIVE about life ... not plant seeds of fear and negativity. 


Tip 2. Surround yourself with like-minded people. This can be in Facebook groups or online forums, or at the studio!


If you’re not part of my Facebook community, you can join it by responding to this post with “Transformation”


Plugging into a community and feeling connected and supported is a HUGE advantage in getting back on-track and staying accountable. 


Tip 3. This one sounds counterintuitive, but if you are coming out of a slump or layoff, thank it!


This is because the slump likely gave you two important pieces of info: 


First, it might have highlighted something that wasn’t working for you. Why did the slump happen in the first place? 


Now you know what led to it – you have powerful data that can help you change things up!


And second, that slump also helped you realize how important it actually is to you to stay on-track, which can add real fuel to your fire.


Tip 4. Raise your energy level.


This applies to both your mind and your body. I’m talking about simple actions like going for a walk, getting some fresh air, reading some inspiring quotes, or listening to a motivational audio.


The idea is to bring some fresh and positive energy into your day, every day! Being intentional about this and seeking out that positive energy can be a game-changer. 


5. Shake up your routine. Most of us like a little novelty in our lives – doing the same old, same old all the time doesn’t feel super exciting. It can make you feel like you’re in a rut.


If this sounds like you, try something new!


This new thing doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be something simple like jogging between every other telephone pole during your walk, or buying an exotic fresh fruit at the grocery store. 


Just do something a little different, because it can reignite the fun factor.


6. Consider hiring a coach/mentor There’s nothing like getting a fresh perspective to help you refine, refocus, and refuel your motivation toward your goal! 


A coach can save you valuable time and effort, and also help you find options when roadblocks inevitably pop up along the way. This can be huge!


BONUS TIP: Track your progress! TRACK YOUR PROGRESS! Not every day, maybe not even every week, but for sure every two weeks, which is what I do with all my clients. Give us just enough time to put adjustments to work and allow you to get into a rhythm before making mana or changes or giving up and completely throwing in the towel. The consistent assessment will help with quick wins and build momentum 🔑


I hope these tips help get you psyched to double down on your 2021 goals. There’s still plenty of time to make them a reality.


