Do this now and your “future you” will thank you for it!

Do you ever see videos online of people in their 70’s and beyond shooting hoops, skating, dancing, working out looking sometimes at their best the older they get? You say to yourself “ that’s how I want to be when I get that age.”

That’s what I do. That’s actually what gets me up every morning @ 410am for my workout. My why is HUGE. I don’t want my kids to have to care for me as I age. I really want to be mobile, and mentally there for my kids and hopefully future grand kids. That means I have to take steady action now.

1- Start doing those things NOW (if you aren’t already)

2- Take care of your muscles by keeping them strong and flexible.

Have you ever heard the saying, “It’s easier to clean a clean house?”

It seems like a no brainer, but the same philosophy works with your fitness and health.

It’s so much easier to KEEP your fitness level (and your muscle) than it is to rebuild it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It’s never too late to get into shape and gain muscle.. you can absolutely do it. It doesn’t matter what your age is. It just takes time, consistency, and a little Patience.

When you hit the age of 30, you start losing 3% to 5% of your muscle mass each year! (Studies even show that over your lifetime you can lose up to 30% of your muscle!)


Plus, not only does keeping your muscles healthy improve your strength and quality of life, but it also is an important part of keeping your metabolism revved as you age.

This is why strength training is so important as you get older! It can help your body retain your muscle, and maybe even reverse the trend.

Here are two to-dos to put on your weekly self-care list to get a jump start on keeping that precious muscle… and helping you stay strong and flexible For years to come.
1- Get at least TWO total body strength-training workouts in a week. (Incorporating major muscle groups) *bonus RESISTANCE TRAINING ALSO HELPS KEEP YOUR BONES STRONG.

2- SELF-CARE- do things that keep your tank full. Keep your stress low, in return will help with more quality sleep. Increased energy, and helping you regenerate cells… keeping you young!


What’s really behind weight loss??

When you’re thinking of losing weight, your first thought is you’ll be losing fat, but only if it were that easy. I’m hoping you’re coming to realization that all weight loss isn’t fat loss. This is very important. When you start to get more control of your health and fitness, the first thing most think to do is reduce calories and start moving more. When you reduce calories our bodies don’t exclusively turn to burning excess fat for fuel. So the focus is really to dial in on body fat reduction, maintaining lean muscle, not necessarily “ I need to lose this much (insert your desired number) weight”

if the case were for the body to only burn fat, your belly fat would be the first to go. When you begin to diet and reduce calories the body can burn fat, but it can and will burn lean muscle as well if restricting calories for a long period of time. This is how crash dieting backfires and plays a trick on your body and raises havoc on your metabolism. Notice when you or an individual that has a completed a diet that involved calorie restriction regained the weight back and then some?? This was due to the individual’s weight loss coming more from lean muscle than body fat, and slowing their metabolic rate. You should be cautious of any fad diet that involves extreme weight loss or overnight results.

Action steps⬇️⬇️⬇️

✅take starting progress pictures

✅ get current BMR or resting metabolism

✅ re-assess every 2 weeks

✅ the scale isn’t the best way to gauge success or training program progress.


Excuses are killing your excellence!

Trying to make progress in your health and fitness but old thought patterns are creeping in? Do any of these sound familiar??

Here are some of the top excuses/reasons I’m hearing why people are putting their health on the back burner⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

“I’m coming down with a cold”

studies have shown that working out may reduce time span of common chest cold. And that having a cold does not make your training session any harder, you may just have to monitor your intensity more as you may feel a little more fatigued than normal.

“I don’t have time”

your past approach of needing 5-6 days a week with 1-2 hour workout sessions are why you feel this way. Plan 20-30 min training sessions for 3 days a week is setting yourself up for longterm activity and some great progress!

“I’m too tired”

you’re right! And that’s because your inactive. Unless you’re really sick, you have the energy available to tap into. Waiting until you feel like doing it, means you probably don’t want to do it. Once you start getting into the active routine, you will start to feel an energy increase, and better sleep will follow!

“ I’m traveling non-stop”

pack your shoes, bands, and a jump rope! Get creative and most Hotels now have everything you need. But if not, you have a wonderful body that’s ready to move. There are plenty of bodyweight exercises you could do wherever you’re at.

“Schedule is packed with social events, or work obligations”

get up 45 minutes earlier, and hit a HIIT SESSION (high intensity interval training) increase productivity, creativity, and mood for your day! The hardest part is getting up, but 10 minutes into workout…. you’ll feel like a new person!
