Dad bod…I’ll pass

Fun fact...I’m not one to show a lot of skin. I’m usually the last one by the pool to take my shirt off. Truth is when I started this journey and started to awaken my potential of what my body was capable of, the mindset followed.  One statement that has always stuck with me was “wait until you hit the real world.. marriage, kids, career etc etc” then let’s see what you look like when you’re 40.. Thats what got me going.  But then the question came, what will keep me going?? This is what you need to dig into when starting this journey. The  big picture, final result. What does yours look like? Then work backward from there. 

My vision was to be very healthy and active at the age of 80 so my kids will not have to worry about me, financially free and self sufficient. How do I make that happen, and make the vision a reality? I start taking action NOW! It won’t happen on by accident, you have to plan…. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

What’s most important about this process is how big and important the final result, the goal is for YOU! This is how the process will become enjoyable and a goal you won’t give up on. Most set their goal to small, and sometimes to short term not allowing for mistakes or learning opportunities, and also not giving yourself enough time to develop productive habits. Take this time, this crazy time to assess your lifestyle. What do you value, what gives you energy. What’s causing you to stress? What drains you daily? Ask yourself, is this getting me closer to where I want to be?

The work needed for growth and transformation is not easy, but if done correctly, the fun and excitement can be found in the process.


Sleep and your gut

💤 So … how’d you sleep last night? ✨(+My nighttime routine is below!!) 👉Did you know that your gut health affects your sleep … and vice versa? (I wrote an email about it for my newsletter subscribers! If you haven’t subscribed yet, go to and join my circle of influence-It’s packed with lots of great info and tips) 💤Anyway … Not getting enough quality sleep is linked with fewer HEALTHY gut bacteria, high stress, and horrible appetite which leads to bad eating habits. This matters because your gut is involved in making melatonin, a hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle! (Notice how much your sleep has been off lately🤔) ⏰Having a nighttime routine can help you wind down and signal your body that it’s time to sleep, which can help you rack up those 7-8 hours of shut-eye. 💡My go-to nighttime routine is➡️ I stop eating within 45 mins to an hour before bed➡️write tomorrow’s to-do list➡️ read➡️get everything ready for the morning➡️ pray/meditate ✅When I’m on my routine, I find I fall asleep so much faster and easier! 💤Do you have a nighttime routine?


💥Grocery Tour💥

OK … are you ready? Here’s how we plan our grocery trip. First, We hit the produce section for fresh veggies and fruits, then it’s the proteins, then any packaged goods we need, and finish up with frozen foods. Today, though, I want to talk about produce! I’ve got some news for you that you might not expect when it comes to saving money AND eating healthier ... When it comes to fruits and veggies, fresh is NOT always the best. Here’s when it is a great choice – when it’s in season. This will save you money because the produce won’t have to be shipped from thousands of miles away. It might even come from a farm right here in (Whichever state you reside ), which is pretty awesome. Because it hasn’t spent days or weeks getting shipped to you, chances are the produce actually will contain more nutrients! Fresh produce loses their vitamins and mineral content over time, so the longer they sit on a truck or in the store, the less nutrition they have. OK, so let's say you want to buy something that ISN’T in season. First of all, you probably are going to notice the fresh version is more expensive – by a lot. Let’s say you want to get some berries or asparagus. This is when you definitely want to consider buying it frozen. Not only will it last longer once you get it home, but it’ll also probably have more nutrition since it was flash frozen as soon as it was picked. This same goes with vegetables. A lot of people complain that frozen veggies don’t have the same texture or taste, but if you try roasting or steaming them, they are still delicious! You’ll also save some serious money by buying the frozen version! So … I hope this has been helpful for you!


Your Hidden 4 lbs is right here!!

In the midst of the Coronavirus right now, having a strong and healthy immune system is more important than ever!


There are steps you can take to make yourself healthier, and we’ve got a great series that focuses on a super important part of your immune health: your gut!


There has been a LOT of buzz about “gut health” lately … and for a very good reason.


Your gut health doesn’t affect just your digestion (although that’s super important) … but also your heart, your brain, your immune system, and even your mood.


And with a global pandemic happening, it seems like a good time to focus even more on our overall wellness!


You have about 100 trillion (!!!) microbes living in your gut right now. And there are about 1,000 different species of known gut bacteria. 


(Fun Fact #1: if you were to weigh all the bacteria in your gut, they would weigh over 4 lbs (2 kg))!


Some of these bacteria are your personal army of helpers, digesting your food, making energy, and keeping your immune system strong.


And others are not-so-good, linked with digestive upset, inflammation, obesity, and even conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and asthma.


As you can imagine, you want to make sure your gut stays in balance, with more of the good guys than the bad guys!


YOU have the power to do just that with your food and lifestyle choices!


But now for fun fact #2 ... your individual gut microbiome is like your fingerprint. 


No one else’s is exactly the same.


All of us share about one-third of the same microbiota makeup – but two-thirds of your microbiota “fingerprint” are unique to YOU!


Even though we all have our own unique gut microbiome, the basic guidelines for keeping it in balance work for nearly everyone! 


I’m going to be sharing a LOT more info about all of this in the coming weeks, but here’s a quick gut health checklist to get you started:


1. Make sure you’re getting enough fiber, including insoluble fiber. These fibers are what the good bacteria in your small intestine like to feed on. 

2. Eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, because it contains healthy bacteria that can replenish your gut microbiome. This is especially true if you have taken antibiotics, which can affect the balance of your gut bacteria.

3. Avoid processed foods and sugar. The bad-guy bacteria like to feed on these!

4. Cut stress. Meditate, journal, go outside for some fresh air.  There’s a direct connection (your vagus nerve) between your brain and your gut, each affecting the other! 

5. Get regular exercise. The more active you are, the happier your gut microbiome is!

6. Get enough sleep. When your sleep is disrupted, so are the good bacteria in your microbiome. And vice versa! 


It’s amazing how everything works together, isn’t it?


Do this and start feeling better ASAP

Your body LOVES to move … right down to its smallest molecules!


In fact, we’re wired for it … and your health depends on it.


Here’s a shocking stat for you:


“In less than two generations, physical activity dropped by 20% in the U.K. and 32% in the U.S. In China, the drop is 45% in less than one generation.” -


Over the next few weeks I’m going to be talking about how important it really is to take care of your body and muscles … and this goes far beyond the results you see in the mirrorwhen you workout! (Weakened immune systems are what’s fueling the flu and Cronovirus we are currently hearing so much about)


Moving your body on a regular basis helps everything from your energy levels, emotions, relationships and ability to learn, to your overall quality of life.


Here’s just a short list of how movement (walking, dancing, gardening, exercising, doing chores, etc.) has huge payoffs for you:


● It can help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol.

● It can help support brain health. (One study even showed middle-aged women who were considered “highly fit” had a lower risk of developing dementia at an early age.)

● It boosts your mood by creating more brain chemicals associated with happiness.

● It helps you handle stress better.

● It can help improve your focus and attention span.

● It can help your body battle inflammation.

● It also helps power your body’s lymphatic system, which is like your own personal army against infection. Because there is no natural “pump” to help your lymphatic system drain toxins from your system, the movement of your muscles is actually responsible for helping to move this important fluid!


Here’s a little trivia you can even share with your friends:


How much faster can you recover from a common cold if you exercise on a regular basis? 


Answer: Your chances of coming down with a cold are cut in half!


It’s true! A study of 1,000 people found people who were active 5 or more days a week were 50% less likely to come down with a cold over a 3-month period. And if they did come down with a cold, their symptoms were about 40% less severe.  


Pretty amazing, right? 


The great thing about it is that pretty much all forms of movement can help you – stretching, walking, even conquering a mountain of laundry!


Here’s a challenge for you …


Level 1: Every day this week, set a timer for 15-20 minutes and move nonstop. 


This could be a quick workout, a brisk walk, or even a fast & furious cleaning session in your home. To make it more fun, turn on some music to make it happen!



Level 2: Join us for a FREE week at our studio! I’ve opened up a limited number of spots to help YOU get your body moving this week. Even if you’re a complete beginner, this would be absolutely perfect for you to get the momentum going. Or you can start with a complimentary 30 days with my online program that will meet you where you are and help you gain some momentum.


How are you going to get your movement in this week? Let me know either in a quick reply or over in our Private Facebook group if you currently have access!


What do you think? Are you up for it?


Committed to your Success,

