Ommmggg I want to quit!

Is this what you tell yourself after you feel like you’ve tried everything?? 8 weeks in you were seeing some results, then boom, everything stops. There’s a brick wall holding you back that you need to get through because everything you want is on the other side. Yup, welcome to your weight loss plateau.

2 reasons your results have flatlined. One- a metabolic adaptation to your current diet and exercise regimen. “Homeostasis” which is just a sexy term that describes your bodies preference to stay the same or basically your body has found its comfort zone!

Two- there have been accumulated changes in your current exercise and eating routine that are causing you to eat more or burn less calories with exercise, and you aren’t aware of it. (This is why I have all my clients track their training sessions with Apple Watch or Fitbit and we stay consistent with doing assessments)

At the beginning of your program the weight may seem to have been melting off, but as you get more fit, your body is going to require more work load to be challenged and get uncomfortable again. This is when new stressors need applied.

Adaptation is a disadvantage to us as we improve fitness levels. Don’t try to change too many variables at once, as this will lead to confusion and you won’t know what’s working and what’s not.

Action steps⬇️⬇️⬇️
DRINK MORE WATER- this will help aid in appetite control. Keeping you from overeating and just eating out of habit or boredom. Also will improve workout performance and speed recovery.

INCREASE WORKOUT INTENSITY- add more reps, maybe add just 5 more pounds to the current weight you’re doing, and try varying your rest intervals between sets.

INCREASE DAILY ACTIVITY- don’t confuse busy with active. Add mobility and stability work daily to insure joint and muscle health.

IMPROVE FOOD QUALITY- like movement, we over estimate how well we eat. Start with decreasing sugar intake and eliminating processed food.

SLEEP- This is a secret weapon we all have access to and misuse it! Sleep is key to recovery enabling you to be more active and train harder during your training sessions.


You have to grow into your vision.

Over 6 years ago, I knew I wanted to impact my clients more in overall lifestyle not just exercise. It’s the lifestyle factors that effect our training results overall. So that’s when I decided to brand The Real Life Changer and offer more tools to provide a better client experience and help develop more longterm results. At the time I didn’t know exactly how I was going to get there or what my daily duties were going to look like, but now I’m living it, and grew into that name and the brand we wanted to build.

How did that happen? Small, daily actions of personal growth. Very uncomfortable, ugly at times, but I was committed. It made decisions on other projects, activities, sometimes even clients to say NO to if it wasn’t going to help me get any closer to my vision.

Have you ever been checking your phone… or vegging on the couch.. and suddenly start thinking about a goal you want to work toward?

It’s a little push from deep within you- something you can feel in your gut. Almost everyone has felt this way at one point or another.

Maybe you finally want to clean up your eating to improve health.

Maybe you want to start working out so you get your energy back and feel stronger.

Whatever the exact push is, author and motivational speaker Mel Robbins call this “an instinct for change.”

She says that unless you do smoothing about it within 5 seconds, that instinct will die. She came up with the 5-second rule to help keep that instinct alive. ( This rule I still live by to this day)

Basically, as soon as you have that instinct, you count backwards.. 5,4,3,2,1 and then guy DO IT! And guess what? It works. Your brain wants to protect you and keep you safe and comfortable l.

As a result, it sees change as a threat.. so it will do whatever it can to shut down that change, including sending you a bunch of thoughts to keep you doing the same-old, same old.

That’s why it’s important to take action on those gut-level urges IMMEDIATELY..

This can apply to so many areas of your life:

  • walking into the kitchen to meal prep

  • speaking up at a meeting at work

  • Lacing up your shoes for a workout or run

This can lead to LIFE-CHANGING results now and into the future!

The more direct action you take toward your goals, the more in control you’ll be over your life. This will lead you to bigger urges , bigger actions- bigger success.


6 tips to great client/member experiences

Due to Covid the fitness industry has been turned upside down. And I believe personally in a good way. Over the years many trends have been developed to help intensify clients experiences and interactions. Technology has been a major part in making that happen.

Through this evolution of fitness and technology the focus has really turned to friendly competition and personal recognition. These are great factors to keep you motivated and engaged through out your class or training session, but there are some fundamental factors we don’t want to over look to keep clients/members coming back, engaged, sharing with their circle, and continuing to get results.

1- Teach/Train clients to their level, You have to meet them where they’re at. This is very important as most people think they can be a trainer because they’ve been able to achieve personal results and think they can train or instruct their clients the same way they train. Yes, it is our job to make clients get uncomfortable to achieve goals, but that doesn’t mean you train them how you like to train or only doing exercises you like. The key is to give your client/member a little say in what makes them feel good, so they can take some ownership in the process. When they hit small milestones, it gives them more confidence as they know they were part of the decision making.

2- music- set the tone and energy for your clients/ members soon as they walk through the door. This is where relationship building is vital in client relations as you have to dial into what gets them going. Again, this has NOTHING to do with what music get YOU going through your personal workouts, but what will keep the client engaged and energized throughout their session. I have at least 15 different playlist that stay on heavy rotation throughout our studio. A cool trick of keeping music fresh, updated, and tailored to your clients is it naturally increases intensity 🔑 There is nothing more draining to your workout than hearing the same song, at the same point of your workout every time you’re in session.

3- Prepare- Nothing more disrespectful than a trainer/coach/instructor using a client’s/member’s time and money winging a workout with no plan of effectiveness. Just putting together a workout as the session/class goes. Now I’m not saying you need to have a complete workout written out with exact reps, sets, rest, drink breaks, and whatever else the session brings, but you need to have an idea of what the individual is trying to achieve and each session should be working toward that. If a client unexpectedly has a slight injury or some discomfort, you know how to modify the exercise still working the areas needed, but not furthering injury. Show the client you have our time into their program as expected, and you have a plan for them to succeed. Clients love when you can look back at last weeks workout and point out exactly what exercise they loved, that felt sore at, or what may have caused them discomfort that you can give them feedback on. Again- ATTENTION is big.

4- Remember names- Trainers, no excuse! Of course you better know the client’s name coming into your session , but take an extra step in knowing significant others and children as well. Instructors, yelling out an individuals name during a class or circuit goes a long way, and makes the client/member feel special. It gives them a nice energy boost to complete that last rep or last few seconds!

5- Professional attitude- client/member is there for their headspace, stress release, their goals. Let’s not make their session all about you and your problems, your plans for the weekend. This is their time to getaway from their stresses and demands and sometimes they need a listening ear. It’s great to give advice and a plan of action to help if you’ve built that relationship to allow that space. This is big because most individuals won’t hit their goals only because they try to separate their personal lives from their health and fitness journey. Just doesn’t work that way. Trainers this is where it’s good to find a mentor, business coach or maybe even get some session with therapist to discuss your stresses, or things holding you back from peak performance. This is such a hidden tool, that most have a bad view of, but does a amazing things for you, your business, and relationships!

6- ASSESS… ASSESS..ASSESS- I can’t stress this enough. Trainers you are doing yourself a huge disservice not assessing your clients. Members/clients, you are doing yourself a huge disservice not assessing or having your fitness professional not assess you. I’m not talking weigh yourself everyday (that’s a huge no no!) but there are some important numbers you need to know. Bodyfat%, skeletal muscle/lean body mass, and for females Bmi% is very important as that number effects the magic number you want to see on the scale (stress, time of the month, water retention, sleep, sodium) Start tracking these numbers (every 2 weeks) take pictures, and use clothing!

You’ll know better how your body is responding to workouts, are you eating enough, sleeping enough..?? All this is figured out during assessment. Then make the adjustments necessary for better results going forward!


How I’ve been staying on track during the chaos

You never know how much you appreciate your everyday life until everything changes! 🌪


🔥I don’t know about you, but I’ve found myself feeling awaken and connected even more with my awareness as a result of it all...


So I made a commitment to myself to double down as much as possible on my business, clients, and self-care which always helps me feel more balanced and in control over my day. Allowing me to be more productive and able to give more to clients and my family.

It’s made such a big difference, because it has given me a STABLE BASE to operate from!  The first 6-8 of the stay home order was a shock to my system as I caught myself drifting away from my routine. I was staying up later, waking up later, working out later. This caused me to feel more rush through the day, a day where I had nothing else planned, but not getting anything done or not much productivity happening, causing more discomfort. This is what happens when individuals get going into their health and fitness transformations as well. We start to be human 🤷🏾‍♂️ We fall back into our “lazy” comfort zones and when you don’t have a plan for growth your operating on reaction mode all day making you feel like your not getting ahead.

 When you have a firm foundation, it helps you to be PROACTIVE vs. REACTIVE.


On a practical level, that means that every day, I wake up at 4:10am to workout. Send out a private message to my circle of influence to help them further health and fitness results. I then go over days game plan of what’s scheduled for the day and mentally prepare with meditation/prayer, right into my daily affirmations.


It’s had huge payoffs. Keeping me aware of my actions and are they getting me closer to my goals. Managing time more efficiently to be available for clients and family.


👉What actions have you committed to over the past few months, that have helped you find balance?



How to stay inside your “Circle of influence”

Getting stressed about the small things lately?

I have been hearing from a lot of people about how they are feeling extra stressed and strangely “emotional” over the past few weeks. Little things you normally would shrug off seem to be causing more stress and easily frustrated than usual. Sound familiar?

When you focus on the things outside of your control (like what’s happening in the world outside your house over the past couple months), you are in REACTION MODE.

That’s not a fun place to be. Like you’re waiting for the next big problem to hit, so you are always on alert.

Staying in your “circle of influence” will help you alleviate so much stress!

Here’s a quick Action Plan to help you stay inside of your influence:

-Stressed? If your feeling stressed, move yourself physically out of your environment. Don’t sit there watching the news or staring at your devices. Go for a walk, listen to music, workouts, or meditate.

-Clear Your Mind.
With all of the chaos, disorder and uncertainty, more than ever you need to be still, clear your mind, and think for YOURSELF. Meditate, pray, breathe, do whatever works for you, but spend some time in silence daily.

-Workout. At least 3-5 times a week.. Enough said🔑

-Media detox. There’s a big difference between being informed and over-consuming the news. Be mindful of the amount of time your watching it. Learn what you need, and then shut it down.
-Gratitude. First thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
-Morning Ritual. Don’t skip it. Make sure you start your day with something that sets your day up for success!
-Get inspired. Read books, watch inspiring videos, call people you love.. do whatever you need to do to stay in a positive state.

