Are you over-complicating it?

Fact: Most of us LOVE to make things complicated. There’s even a term for it: “complexity bias.” Complexity bias is when you decide to make a change in almost any area of your life … 

and all of a sudden you start thinking about ways to make that change even BETTER or MORE EFFECTIVE. So you start layering in new rules or extra guidelines to add “juice” to your results.

 Don’t get me wrong. Complex choices aren’t BAD, especially if they make you feel more accomplished or if you’re training for a big event. But if they make you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or get in the way of being consistent, then it’s time to streamline and get SIMPLE.

Focus on the thing(s) that work FOR you.

Here are some ways to make your routine simple:

  1. Choose the simplest results-getting actions, 

  2. Make sure those actions work with your lifestyle & schedule,

  3. Include activities and/or food you enjoy, and

  4. Consider working with an expert to keep you focused & accountable, and 

  5. That also has a streamlined program for PROVEN RESULTS.

The most important thing is that you choose actions that help you stay CONSISTENT!